Be James Bond with ESP32 Cam / Spy Camera

December 7, 2020 XTronical 0

An intro to using the ESP32 Camera module. Very simple to set up and use, this example uses the is the AI Thinker Module. Camera’s are ridiculously cheap and small nowadays and with small power consumption you could use them from battery power for many hours. The video below takes […]

Quickie: Using PIR sensors with Arduino

March 12, 2020 XTronical 0

The video covers using PIR (Passive InfraRed) sensors with an Arduino. These are simple movement sensors and although libraries are available they are not required to work with these devices. The sample code shown in the video is shown below.

ESP32 Weather forecast

December 31, 2019 XTronical 0

This project will allow an ESP32 to access online weather forecasts for display on an E-Paper display, running on batteries with an always on display. Cheap Lithium Ion batteries will give around 1.5 to 2 weeks service, better quality or better capacity will give you potentially several weeks. The video […]

Using the BME280 Pressure and Temp sensor with ESP32

November 6, 2019 XTronical 2

The BME280 based pressure and temperature sensors have an amazing accuracy for their price point (around 5USD, 5Euro, 5GBP or cheaper!) and they are incredibly easy to connect up and use. Both I²C or SPI busses are usually supported. Below is the one similar to those that are readily available. […]

Using the BMP280 Pressure and Temp sensor with ESP32

October 29, 2019 XTronical 4

The BMP280 based pressure and temperature sensors have an amazing accuracy for their price point (around 1$USD, 1Euro, 1GBP or cheaper!) and they are incredibly easy to connect up and use. Both I²C or SPI busses are usually supported. Below is the one similar to those that are readily available. […]

Getting the ESP32 to monitor its own battery level

September 11, 2019 XTronical 0

This article should be used in conjunction with the video below; In this article you will discover how to get your ESP32 to monitor and report on it’s own battery level. Handy for battery powered projects. All your require are two resistors (anything from 1K upwards, I generally use 10K). […]

Star Trek: Real Working Sick-Bay – Build #2

August 2, 2019 XTronical 4

If you haven’t read the previous article (part 1) then I suggest you follow this link otherwise this write-up won’t be of much use! In the last article we got the screen and the MAX30100 pulse/oximeter up and working. In this one we’re going to add everything else! A video […]

Star Trek: Real Working Sick-Bay – Build #1

July 31, 2019 XTronical 0

This article supports a video on the build of the Star Trek Sick Bay project (external you tube link). You should watch that video as well as this article as it contains information not mentioned below. This is part one of a two part write up. Doing all this on […]