Building a 6502 Computer: The Reset Sequence

November 1, 2022 XTronical 2

A video below explaining the reset sequence of the 6502. With a possible “bug” in the chip, perhaps. Source code shown in the video is available below. Affiliate links for the items shown: Arduino Nano: Board wire (red, black, white, green, blue, yellow): Purple board wire : […]

Using multiple ili9341 screens with tft_espi library

September 21, 2022 XTronical 3

Ever wanted to run more than one screen independently? Are you using the excellent tft_espi library? Well this guide will walk you through the small bit of work you need to do to achieve this, in particular with an ESP32 but the principles can be applied to any MCU of […]

I2S Audio Library (I2SAudio) Source Code Released

August 30, 2022 XTronical 13

OK, so sorry for such a long wait but at the time I started this project I envisaged working on the I2SAudio library (and other projects) far more than I did over the last year. As it happens circumstances have dictated a much lower release schedule for videos and articles […]

Building a 6502 Computer: The System Clock

April 11, 2022 XTronical 0

Intro In the last article we learnt all about the various pins of the 6502, today  we’re going to look at the various ways of supplying a system clock, power up and see perhaps things you were not expecting. The you tube video is below and the main article follows. […]

ESP32 I2S Part 3 – Playing Wavs from SD Cards

August 21, 2020 XTronical 9

A detailed look at how to play WAV’s from SD without using 3rd party libraries for transfer of WAV’s to I2S. It should give you enough detail to add this into your own code/wav players. Video Below which goes through everything and sources code/diagrams afterwards. INTROAs always time-codes are available […]

I2S on ESP3 – Part 2, WAV’s

August 11, 2020 XTronical 0

In this article/episode we are going to follow on from the last one on I2S and get our software to play back some music. We’ll look at the WAV file format and how we can get the data out and send it over I2S. If you haven’t read/watched the previous […]