DacAudio 3.1 V3

DacAudio 3.1 Version 3 is now available on the downloads page and it is advised you upgrade to this version as it fixes issues with large files over 80K or so. Under all the previous versions large files would not play at all or play for a limited amount of time. Many thanks go to a subscriber to the XTronical Youtube channel who worked out what was going on and improved the code along the way – great work and I’m very grateful for his contribution as it was driving me a little crazy working out what was going on. A new talented pair of eyes works wonders.

Things to be aware of : The wav byte data used to have the format

Where as it now is of the form

In the previous version the PROGMEM is supposed to store data in static program memory but it is a Atmel (Arduino) directive and although it does not cause any error when used with ESP32 definitions it just does nothing and the data is stored into normal RAM which although massive compared to other MCU’s it is not big enough for bigger WAV files. The “const” above solves this and the data will be stored into the much larger (typically 4MB) program area. In addition there were some other tweaks and tidy ups undertaken to prevent certain scenarios from causing problems by the Subscriber.

I’ve updated the PlayWav demo to play a larger StarWars file of around 170K to demo these changes. Go to the DacAudio downloads page to get the latest version.


  1. The first version of the code compiled and worked with my Arduino and ESP32.
    I am now getting a compile error with the latest code and my ESP32 setup. (4_1_0).
    Not sure how to fix it.
    I can send you the error log if you provide me with an Email address.
    Thanks !


    • Hi, I know i’ve replied to this on youtube and know you’ve sorted this but just so you know I wasn’t ignoring it on here. The problem is that for whatever reason I’m not receiving notifications for new posts – for whatever reason – it’s a long standing and annoying problem. I won’t bother publishing your other posts as you’ve now sorted it. As you noticed commenting on you tube does get my attention as I get notifications for those.

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